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A letter from our French intern student

This is it ! My internship is over !

Maybe all of you don’t realize, et I don’t even think that I realize yet, but these two months is just the biggest experience I’ve ever done. It was not only an internship, it was something much bigger and now you’re all part of it, you’re all part of this experience that I will remember all my life.

Thanks to all of you I spent two wonderful months full of discoveries; at first in a professional way because you learnt me a lot of things, I’ve discovered how it looked like to work in a design agency, I’ve discovered another way to work, another way to approach graphic design, the indonesian way. Thanks to you I’ve progressed here in two months and I’m really sure that everything I’ve learnt here will be very usefull for my years to come. At second, in a personal way also, I’ve discovered another culture, another kind of life, new places in Jakarta and even around, Seribu Island, Jakarta Fair, Puncak.., you made me discover a new way of thinking and a new kind of food (Ria and Stevi, I’m careful now, keep chilli away from me !) These two months made me grow up for sure.

I want to thank you for everything you made for me, to take care of me when I was sick, to drive me home at night, to learn me things and help me at work, Mas Agus thank you for your massages and your delicious food, Pak Andre thanks to drive me everyday, thank you all of you and most of all, thank you koko Auri to let me do my internship here in Flux Design, without you I couldn’t do this awesome experience.

Going far away from home alone for two months was not easy but it’s absolutely worth it !
I will miss all of you once I’ll be home but I know we’ll meet again.
Let me know if you come to France, I’ll be there !

Thanks to all the Flux design team, the ex-Flux design people and intern Flux, koko Auri, Cheren, Deasy, Ria, Stevi, Melina, Juindah, Mieke, Philbert, Kevin, Michael, Raymond, chef Agus, Agus kecil, pak Andre, Daniel, pak Yanto and pak Ali ! It has been a real pleasure to meet all of you, terima kasih 🙂

Flux - Graphic Design Jakarta
Jl. Mas Murni Blok D16 Senayan, Permata HIjau. South Jakarta, 12210
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